My previous three Retrospectives are on the dolls that I personally have bought for myself. These next three were a gift from an anonymous friend, who sent me several outfits, shoes, and jewelry pieces along with the dolls! I continue to be amazed by this generosity, and I treasure these new girls that this person brought to my life. First up in the spotlight is my Ready-To-Wear Runway Violette Esmé, named Brianna. I love her soft coloring and demure sidelong glance:
Earrings by unknown - purchased secondhand in a large lot of various pieces, pants by unknown - received as a gift
Jewelry by unknown - purchased secondhand in a large lot of various pieces, jacket and pants by Tonner
Third Retrospective in the series! Today I'm featuring Nandini, who is probably the most versatile of all my dolls. She is a Convertible Basic Jac, and as such she has two sets of feet. I got her in March, so all of her pictures are from 2009! But it was still hard to narrow it down:
Another picture-heavy post! This is the second in my series of Retrospectives, featuring my favorite photos of my dolls from the last year. Today I'm focusing on Ella, my 1950's Seventeen doll. Her hair can be a little unmanageable, but she has the sweetest face:
Gloves by Tonner, jewelry by unknown - purchased secondhand in a large lot of various pieces
I try to do something creative every day. Whether that involves sewing, cooking, taking pictures, or just daydreaming, my brain is constantly on the move.