Wednesday, January 13, 2010

CC's Doll Boutique on Facebook!

I now have a Facebook page for my doll business, so head on over and check it out. Become a fan! Tell your friends! I'll be posting announcements there when I have new shoes or clothing lines for sale. This blog is more for my play. :p

Friday, January 8, 2010

Spotlight on Esmé #2

This is both my final Retrospective on 2009, and the third of three such posts dedicated to a doll I received as a gift last year. I still feel incredibly blessed to have such a good friend, even if it is an anonymous one. :p So here is Amaya, my stunning Amber Glow Esmé, bringing some attitude to my blog! I love how different she is from her sister, Brianna. There is nothing demure about Amaya:

Gown by Ashton-Drake, shoes by Tonner, earrings by unknown - purchased secondhand in a large lot of various pieces

Necklace by unknown - purchased secondhand in a large lot of various pieces

Top by Empire, skirt by unknown - received as a gift

Sunglasses by Tonner, shoes by Kingstate

Jacket by Tonner

Boots by Kingstate

Unless otherwise noted, all outfits and accessories were made by me.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Spotlight on Jane

This is the second Retrospective on 2009 to highlight a doll that I received as a gift from an anonymous friend. Jordan, my gorgeous Fashion Jane, arrived in mid-March along with two lovely Esmés, clothing, jewelry, and shoes - a total surprise! I loved them all immediately, but I must admit that redheads hold a special place in my heart. And her hair was curled by her previous owner, which I love:

Necklace by unknown - received as a gift

Necklace by unknown - purchased secondhand in a large lot of various pieces, gloves by Tonner

Jacket by Tonner

Shoes by Tonner

Pants and jacket by unknown - received as a gift, shoes by Tonner

Pants by unknown - received as a gift

Hair comb by Facets by Marcia, necklace by unknown - received as a gift

Unless otherwise noted, all outfits and accessories were made by me.